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BOEING 737-800/900 NGX/U MCP
Adjustable backlight, flashing A/B warning digit on IAS/MACH display, BANK ANGLE function operated by HEADING button, SPD INT button functional, ALT INT button functional, Flight Director Switch functional in front of both captain and co-pilot, MA warning beacon functional in front of both captain and co-pilot, Aluminium body in original cockpit colour.
You can manage your flight with all buttons on the module. N1, SPEED, FD1 and 2, AT, LVLCHG, VNAV, HDGSEL, APP, VORLOC, LNAV, ALTHLD, V/S, CMDA and B, CWSA and B, DISENGAGE, COURSE 1 and 2, IAS/MACH, HEADING, ALTITUDE, BANK ANGLE, SPD INT, INT ALT and VERTICAL SPEED. The module is compatible with PMDG Boeing 737-800/900 NGX/U in all Prepar3d v4+, v5+, v6+, Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) Steam Edition, MS Store Edition simulators and ZIBO MODE in Xplane simulators.
Click here for detailed visual and technical information.

Our products are Windows compatible and NOT compatible with MacOS!

BOEING 737-800/900 NGX/U EFIS
Adjustable backlight, triple concentric devices for MINS and BARO regulation, RADIO/BARO and IN/HPA are two-position 60° index rotary switches, MINS and BARO regulation (centre buttons) are real as on the aircraft, RST and STD buttons (inner buttons) have a separate shaft to guarantee correct label orientation, Double concentric devices for MODE and RANGE commutators, MODE and RANGE commutators (outer buttons) are indexed at 30° with 4 and 8 positions respectively, TFC and CTR buttons (inner buttons) have a separate shaft to guarantee correct tag orientation.
You can manage your flight with all the buttons on the module. MINS, BARO, RADIO, RST, STD, MODE, RANGE, TFC, CTR all buttons are active. The module is compatible with PMDG Boeing 737-800/900 NGX/U in all PREPAR3d v4+, v5+, v6+, Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) Steam Edition, MS Store Edition simulators and ZIBO MODE in Xplane simulators.
Click here for detailed visual and technical information.

BOEING 737-800/900 NGX/U FMC
FMC module gives you the feeling of a real Boeing 737-800/900 NGX/U host device with all its features. The unit is 100% compatible with Prepar3d and Msfs simulators with Gflight software developed by Gflight engineers.
Adjustable backlight,
100% compatible with PMDG 737 NGX and NGxU,
AI-powered CPU,
Refurbished USB Type C connection,
HDMI 2.1 image transmission,
MIP can be used horizontally or vertically in panels or on a table,
Long life span,
Aluminium body in original cockpit colour.
Click here for detailed visual and technical information.

Our products are Windows compatible and NOT compatible with MacOS!

Adjustable backlight, A/B warning digit flashing on IAS/MACH display, BANK ANGLE function operated by HEADING button, SPD INT key functional, ALT INT key functional, Flight Director Switch functional in front of both captain and co-pilot, MA warning beacon functional in front of both captain and co-pilot, Aluminium body in original cockpit colour.
Adjustable backlight, Triple concentric devices for MINS and BARO regulation, RADIO/BARO and IN/HPA are two-position 60° index rotary switches, MINS and BARO regulation (centre buttons) are real as in the aircraft, RST and STD buttons (inner buttons) have a separate shaft to guarantee correct tag orientation, Double concentric devices for MODE and RANGE commutators, MODE and RANGE commutators (outer buttons) are 30° indexed with 4 and 8 positions respectively, TFC and CTR buttons (inner buttons) have a separate shaft to guarantee correct label orientation.

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